Lint errors: Misnested tag with different rendering in HTML5 and HTML4

Page title Misnesting (now broken) Through a template?
Wikipedia:Tzilleri/Archìviu 2009 (edit | history) span
Usuàriu:Mardetanha (edit | history) span
Buddhismu (edit | history) cite
Soldi (Mahmood) (edit | history) span Template:Album
Wikipedia:Tzilleri/Archìviu 2014 (edit | history) span
Usuàriu:Kolega2357 (edit | history) span
Usuàriu:Mardetanha (edit | history) span
Antine Nivola (edit | history) span
Antine Nivola (edit | history) span
Antine Nivola (edit | history) span
Usuàriu:WikiDreamer Bot (edit | history) span Output not from a single template
Usuàriu:WikiDreamer (edit | history) span Output not from a single template